showcasing Portrait, Fashion and Landscape Photography

50 Beautiful Examples of Fashion Photography: Reblog

I saw a post on Twitter regarding this blog post made last year, incredible fashion photography of numerous types were featured. These photos have all the ingredients of impactful and beautiful fashion photographs! Hope you like it as much as me…. Check out the link….

5 responses

  1. interesting blog would love to get involved.

    July 6, 2011 at 4:24 pm

  2. allpowerfulwarriorgodess

    Reblogged this on allpowerfulwarriorgodess and commented:
    wow love this stuff 🙂 i was looking at The Photography Blogger’s sight (AH-mazing blog, go check it out right now- when I came across this. I especially love the bottom picture the girl has mean camouflage 😀 Enjoy!! (P.S I’m back from the trip- didga miss me?? hopefully some photographs from Tairua soon..

    January 27, 2012 at 7:48 pm

  3. love them!

    July 25, 2012 at 1:39 am

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